She Thought I Knew: A West Coast Thriller

The cover of She Thought I Knew.
Author: C.S. Cowan
Publisher: Independently published

Making amends for past mistakes can result in unintended consequences.

Criminologist, Maeve Rosetti, returns to the small town where she grew up, aiding in the search for her missing fifteen-year-old niece while navigating a complicated relationship with the sister she left behind. Where is Jessica? The police believe she is holed up with a friend to punish her parents, but Maeve has serious questions.

A couple of off-the-grid inhabitants raise suspicion. Could one of them have kidnapped Jessica? Murdered her? Then, her brother-in-law’s strange behaviour sows a seed of doubt. And there are parts of their childhood sister Kathleen doesn’t want to talk about either, especially the unsolved disappearance of their father. Maeve agonizes over revealing her own dark secrets to the sibling she yearns to reconnect with. Is it too much of a risk?

As time wears on with no sign of her niece, Maeve becomes a target for mysterious forces that taunt her, then threaten to harm her. But who is her tormentor and is he connected to the still-missing Jessica? Along with her newfound ally, Hank, Maeve aims to find out. When a girl’s body is found, she fears it is too late.
The bonds of family are fragile, easily broken. How well do sisters really know each other? Will a crisis facilitate healing or sever their relationship forever?

She Thought I Knew is a tense, psychological thriller that heaps secrets upon secrets. You’ll never guess the end unless you peek. (please don’t!) Fans of Lisa Jackson will love it with Louise Penny thrown in for good measure.

…secrets just keep popping up as the search for Jessica continues…what an ending to your book!
—Goodreads beta reviewer