DrawBridge: Drawing Alongside My Brother’s Schizophrenia

How do you establish trust and meaningful connection with a sibling who suffers from schizophrenia? In an attempt to rekindle her relationship with her estranged brother Steve, Joan takes him to art The Art Studios in Vancouver. There, he takes part in art sessions for individuals with a mental illness in a safe, supportive environment. This marks the beginning of a remarkable journey into the healing power of art.
Schizophrenia had already done its worst, confounding Steve with voices, hallucinations and delusions. At fifty-five, Steve was in a burn-out phase of schizophrenia with a hunger for creativity. Joan’s efforts to connect with him through art soon become the vehicle of change. Over the next eight years, Steve progresses both artistically and personally. Together, Steve and Joan explore art, drawing upon their own resources as they learn to trust one another. Steve’s artwork provides a glimpse into his perspective, at once both troubled and beautiful. His paintings and drawings are eventually displayed in two solo exhibits at Basic Inquiry Gallery. He attended what would become his final solo show shortly before his death in 2013.
One in five North Americans experiences a serious mental health crisis; DrawBridge: Drawing Alongside My Brother’s Schizophrenia offers a path of hope for the afflicted and for their advocates. In memory of her brother, Joan has established the Stephen A. Corcoran Memorial Award at Emily Carr University of Art and Design to assist students coping with mental health issues. The book’s foreword is written by President and Vice-Chancellor of Emily Carr University (ECUAD), Dr. Gillian Siddall.